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The Central Malaita Students Association (CMSA) is a multi-dialect and cultural Student Group Consisting of students from Kwara’ae, Langalanga, Kwai and Ngongosila, Malaita Outer Islands, Kwaio and Fataleka. Our vision and objective is to protect the norms and cultural values of our members while at the same time we enhance our academic knowledge and skills towards the promotion of development and the improvement of living standards in our respective regions.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

USP Shines in First Europa Shield Debate Tournament

The first inter-university debate tournament was held on 2 and 3 June 2010. The programme, initiated by the European Union (EU) will help boost students’ credentials by expressing and generating fresh and innovative ideas. The pilot project is also a grooming ground for young leaders to establish valuable decision-making and effective leadership.

The EU-organised Europa Shield Fiji University Debate Tournament saw two universities, namely the University of the South Pacific (USP) and the Fiji National University (FNU), compete for the first time in such an event.

According to the EU’s Communications Officer, Ms Lice Movono Rova, the idea behind the debate tournament came from the EU’s interest in focusing their awareness- raising activities on young people. Ms Rova says, “Every year in May, the EU celebrates ‘Europe Day’ to commemorate the start of the European unification process. Activities organised worldwide on or around Europe Day aim to make European culture accessible to other people in the world. In the Pacific, the EU Delegation - the British High Commission and the French Embassy this year organised the debate competition promoting debate as an important part of European culture”.

The first Europa Shield Fiji University Debate tournament was won by USP Team One led by Merewalesi Nailatikau which battled it out with USP Team Two in the finals. USP Team Two was led by Apisalome Movono.

The two USP teams proved too strong for their opponents from FNU in this first ever inter-university debate tournament. While Apisalome Movono’s USP Team Two was the runner-up for the tournament, he took out the award for being the ‘Best Debater’.

The USP teams were gracious in their victory in that they made supportive and encouraging remarks to their opponents from the FNU. They also thanked the EU and their representatives for their foresight in initiating and organising this type of event for the betterment, and development of the future leaders of our Pacific region.

The coaching staff of the USP teams, were led by Professor Vijay Naidu, the Director of the School of Government and Development Studies in the Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE). He was assisted by Professor Sandra Tarte and Professor Kamal Siddiqui both also from the School of Government and Development Studies.

Professor Naidu says, “Given, that there was a very short time to organise the teams, research and prepare materials for the debate tournament and also coach the debaters, our students did exceptionally well”.

The teams researched and prepared background materials on the seven debate topics of the tournament. These were:

1. Regional Integration is the way forward;
2. Free Markets contribute to Development;
3. Western concepts of governance are good models of leadership;
4. The Pacific Plan will turn challenges into opportunities;
5. Colonial Administrations have left substantial legacies;
6. Legally binding agreements on Climate Change is necessary;
7. Only trade can bring about development.

On a round robin basis each one of these topics were debated.

Professor Naidu added, “Over the last 5 weeks, our students took the initiative, did the hard yards, showed admirable team spirit and camaraderie as well as good communication and mutual support. We all should be very proud of them. This is a historic victory and our team members are trail-blazers”.

The Europa Shield Fiji University Debate Tournament will be an annual event which will coincide with Europe day on the 9th of May.

Source: USP media


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