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Welcome to Central Malaita Student Association

The Central Malaita Students Association (CMSA) is a multi-dialect and cultural Student Group Consisting of students from Kwara’ae, Langalanga, Kwai and Ngongosila, Malaita Outer Islands, Kwaio and Fataleka. Our vision and objective is to protect the norms and cultural values of our members while at the same time we enhance our academic knowledge and skills towards the promotion of development and the improvement of living standards in our respective regions.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fiu Hydro power project set to kick off

Proposed Fiu hydro power project in West Kwara'ae, Malaita Province set to kick start this month. According to the Malaita Province's principle energy officer David Dauta. " All formalities in regards to this project have been completed with work expected to kick start this month". David Dauta said. The ADB funding will come through a US$6 million grant and another US$6 million loan. The project include Silolo in the North, Aiarai in the East and Loaloa in the South. The Power project was part of the province's 10 year Strategic Plan (2007 - 2017)


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