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Welcome to Central Malaita Student Association

The Central Malaita Students Association (CMSA) is a multi-dialect and cultural Student Group Consisting of students from Kwara’ae, Langalanga, Kwai and Ngongosila, Malaita Outer Islands, Kwaio and Fataleka. Our vision and objective is to protect the norms and cultural values of our members while at the same time we enhance our academic knowledge and skills towards the promotion of development and the improvement of living standards in our respective regions.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yesterday a death body was found floating at the mataniko river bank. The decease was believed to be from A’ama village in Malu’u, north malaita. It is still unclear the main cause of his death and police are still continuing on in their investigation. Rumours reaching CMSA admin says, the person was believe to be stone to death by workers of QQQ wholesalers. In related news relatives of the victim went to demand compensations from QQQ Wholesalers yesterday evening. However, it resulted in most of the Chinese shops around china town area to close their business early in the day. Riot Police was deploy to the scene to calm down the situation as angry relatives of the decease demand compensations from QQQ Wholesaler.

Source: CMSA admin


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